Showing all 12 results


Universal cell line for Mass Production

Horizontal spindle machining centers

FV1890S / FV2090S

Improved heavy cutting with unrestrained power

Vertical spindle machining centers


Universal cell line best suited to mass production

Vertical spindle machining centers

G32 Series

Grinding diameter (mm) φ220
Distance between centers (mm) 500/1,000/1,500
Wheel diameter (mm) φ405


Best-selling machine for general-purpose grinders supported by great reliability

Hydraulic cylindrical grinders & Hydraulic universal grinders


Grinding diameter (mm) φ60
Distance between centers (mm) 250
Wheel diameter (mm) φ355×φ127


Taking highly accurate and user-friendly grinding to a new level

CNC cylindrical grinders


Grinding diameter (mm) φ60
Distance between centers (mm) 250
Wheel diameter (mm) φ355×φ127


High power specification that achieves high-efficiency grinding

CNC cylindrical grinders


Grinding diameter (mm) φ60
Distance between centers (mm) 250
Wheel diameter (mm) φ355×φ127


Specifications created by professionals, utilizing expert craftsmanship

CNC cylindrical grinders


Grinding diameter (mm) φ300
Distance between centers (mm) 500/1,000/
Wheel diameter (mm) φ405
*Angular: φ455


Taking highly accurate and user-friendly grinding to a new level

CNC cylindrical grinders


Grinding diameter (mm) φ300
Distance between centers (mm) 500/1,000/
Wheel diameter (mm) Straight: φ450×φ127
Angular: φ455×φ127


Specifications created by professionals, utilizing expert craftsmanship

CNC cylindrical grinders


Grinding diameter (mm) φ550
Distance between centers (mm) 1,000/1,600/2,500/
Wheel diameter (mm) φ610[φ760]


Taking highly accurate and user-friendly grinding to a new level

Large CNC general purpose cylindrical grinders

GL4Pi Polygon Grinding Package

Grinding diameter (mm) φ300
Distance between centers (mm) 500/1,000/1,500/2,000
Wheel diameter (mm) φ510


Realization of grinding for cylindrical and non-circular shapes with one grinder

CNC cylindrical grinders