Grinding diameter (mm) φ300
Distance between centers (mm) 500
Wheel diameter (mm) φ350[φ70/φ100/φ150]


Small, fast, and accurate

CBN camshaft grinders

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Increased productivity per space owing to a size reduction of equipment

The size reduction of the main equipment and the effective placement of space has realized space savings. In addition, the transfer height of 1,500 mm has reduced the loading/unloading stroke, and improved visibility.

High accuracy grinding promising a high quality grinding surface

● High-response wheelhead feed mechanism
● High-response servo system
Quick-response wheelhead feed mechanism adopting small and light-weighted wheelhead, static pressure slide way and linear motor drive achieves the wheelhead feed having almost free from lost-motion and backlash. Static pressure slides feature STAT CONTROL to improve the wheelhead’s position retention against external forces. The newly developed high-response servo system and high-response wheelhead feeding improve the accuracy and quality of the cam machined surface.


Grinding diametermmφ10~φ160
Full length of the workpiecemm250320
EccentricitymmMax. 15
CBN wheel O.D.mmφ350
CBN wheel max. widthmm54
CBN wheel surface speedm/s80 [120]